Within the framework of psychological counselling you can use services of psychological counselling, psychotherapy or personal development.
Psychological counselling is usually one consultation or short-term cooperation, which will help you find your way in your current situation, deeper look at parts of your life that bothers your mind. Psychotherapeutic sittings offers safer space for understandingmap your situation and gain perspective over your situation. Psychotherapy is considered as long-term cooperation, which will help you take a yourself, sharing intimate and deeper problems, which we take with respect and compassion. Personal development is also considered to be long-term cooperation as psychotherapy, where you can take time for yourself, to recognize and understand your needs, map your lifestyle and strategies, which you use in your life. It takes a form of a guide that will help you find who you are, where you are heading, what you wish to achieve and which goals you already fulfilled.
Within the psychological counselling works several counsellors, you can ask for help anyone of them, preferably via e-mail communication. You will arrange certain date and hour of your meeting. You can find counsellors profiles bellow. Services of Psychological counselling are free of charge for FF UK students.
All counsellors of Psychological counselling are working under supervision.
Mgr. Denisa Mouchová – psychologist and coach
Mgr. Kateřina Cabalková – psychotherapist/family therapist/social worker
Mgr. Denisa Mouchová – psychologist and coach
Denisa graduated from Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, where she is currently continuing in her doctoral studies in Clinical and Health Psychology with a project on compassion and self-compassion. She has completed Comprehensive Crisis Intervention course, course of Psychological Coaching and other courses mainly from the area of education and personal development. She focuses on promotion of mental health and delivers trainings for students on topics such as well-being during study, mindfulness or working with one’s own limits within international student organizations. Besides that, she delivers trainings on topics of psychology to local and foreign teachers.
I offer the following professional services:
Dares and times: based on previous email agreement
E-mail: denisa.mouchova@ff.cuni.cz
Mgr. Kateřina Cabalková – psychotherapist/family therapist/social worker
Kateřina Cabalková offers individual, couples and family psychotherapy as well counselling in social and study area.
I base my work on knowledge and skills acquired in Virginia Satir’s Transformational Systemic Therapy course, which I am about to finish. I offer individual, couples and family psychotherapy. Also, I passed crisis intervention courses. I work under supervision from Virginia Satir’s Transformational Systemic Therapy Society in the Czech Republic.
Currently, I work as a counselor and faculty coordinator of Poradenské Centrum Hybernská (counselling center Hybernská), which I also co-founded. I also work as a social worker and psychotherapist at Diakonie ČCE-SKP Prague and I am running my own practice.
In therapy, I advocate the partner approach. I believe everyone has the strength in themselves to handle their hardships, but they sometimes need a fresh perspective, support in difficult times or just to be heard.
What can we talk about in therapy? About anything that engages your mind or that is uncomfortable in your life. Therapy is suitable for anyone who want to connect with themselves, understand themselves better and find time for themselves. I deal with topic such as selfacceptance, selfcare, emotion management, opening oneself to others, effective open communication, searching for priorities in life, relationship problems, anxious or depressive feelings, eating disorders and much more.
I offer the following professional services:
crisis intervention
short-term psychosocial counseling
long-term therapy – individual, couples, family
counselling in social and study area
Dares and times: based on previous email agreement
E-mail: katerina.cabalkova@ff.cuni.cz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/terapeutcabalkova/
In the coaching process, two people, the coach and the client, interact with each other. Individual coaching is for anyone. Coaching may for example help to cope with changes, enhances performance, flourish relationships…
Coaching contract may focus on different areas:
If you are interested in being client of individual coach, write an email to Kristina Běrská, kristina.berska@ff.cuni.cz. She will link you to your coach for an initial meeting.